Jun 18, 2012

Food Battle 7 - "Mediterranean" Cuisine

Falafel Hut Village v/s Jimmy the Greek

Dinner time and dilemma strikes back. Despite I could have dined at other places I mentioned earlier, my first year consisted mostly of rice dishes. Because it was most filling and that it is a good source of carbohydrates and sugar.

These included mostly Asian cuisine. However some friends and I found Mediterranean cuisine to be as good. I was also told by another friend of mine that the food we were having were of Greek origin. It made sense but somehow, after my disillusion about "Mexican" food, I rather keep the word Mediterranean. I believe Falafel Hut is private owned while Jimmy the Greek is definitely a fast-food chain outlet but both of them sell almost the same kind of food.

Falafel Hut

Relatively cheap, dinner at Falafel Hut is awesome
But restricted form of payment makes it bothersome 

Throughout campus, it boasts the best grilled chicken
And for that I will gladly give it an appreciation token
At certain times of the day you get a free drink 
So definitely you should go for it; no time to think
Often served with potatoes which are so salty
Their dishes always made me thirsty

Meals are served with rice, salad and sometimes pita
All are acceptable but I don't like when they add feta

Jimmy the Greek

Jimmy the Greek is way more expensive
And there is no need to be a detective

Compared to Falafel Hut, there are differences
For instance they have bigger chicken pieces
Everything is bigger, even Jimmy's potatoes
But both of them share my disliking of tomatoes
The people working there really love to smile
Ensuring that a visit there is worthwhile 

And when you order any souvlaki
A sweet lady will smile saying "You want tzatziki?"

To sum up, I would say that the Mediterranean cuisine at the university is the perfect example of "similar yet different." As you have seen in the pictures, both are souvlaki dinners. The same name, the same ingredients yet different preparation methods. The potatoes were the biggest difference. At Falafel Hut, it almost seems that they baked it; maybe they did. However at Jimmy the Greek it's clear that they steamed the potatoes. it has softer skin and has a very soft texture. Based on the price factor, Falafel gets the upperhand but on quality, they are both even.

Falafel Hut

$ $
Revisit Factor

Jimmy the Greek

$ $
Revisit Factor

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