Jun 11, 2012

Food Battle 4 - Hamburger Sandwiches

 Wendy's v/s Grill Works

If one does not like chicken sandwiches perhaps one can consider option II and they are the most common summer food. They are hamburgers which for me can swing from liking to disliking at any given time. One thing is certain; burgers fill me up very easily.

To begin with, I should say that in my first year, I was so expecting to see McDonald's and Burger King on campus but I guess I was not too hopeful. Despite all odds, I have eaten tastier hamburgers in Canada than back home. What really struck me was Wendy's logo. I always wonder why they do call it Wendy's because the girl on the logo looks like Pippi Longstocking / Langstrumpf from the Swedish children's book.


If Popeye's Chicken buns were amusing
Wendy's squared burgers are just amazing

The only place where we can have the three sizes
Small is okay, medium is decent and large traumatizes
Relatively cheap, it is a form of self-satisfaction
But eating there all day can surely cause indigestion
Notably with a burger called the "Triple Baconator"
So huge, so fatty that I call it the hunger exterminator

They operate quite fast and closes very late
Ideal when you have a lot of material to assimilate

Grill Works

          Grill Works make things more interesting
     Because it allows you to select your own topping

Similar to Wendy's style of piling burgers like a stack
I always have only one patty for dinner or snack
These hamburger patties are really thin but juicy
That perhaps explains their low price policy
However its sides are its biggest flaw
Only fries or onion rings but no coleslaw

Slightly the above average burger in my opinion
And sadly too little to share with another companion

To conclude this segment about hamburgers, it should be mentioned that there was another place by the name of Blueberry Hill which used to sell top notch hamburgers. It was not a hamburger place but its hamburgers have built a strong reputation there. They were known as "Thrills". In "Small Thrill", the regular patty as in Grill Works were used and they were quarter-pound whereas the "Big Thrill" used a third-pound patty much like McDonald's Angus. A new burger place is going to open in September. Its name is Hero Certified Burger and a friend of mine told me that it's even better than McDonald's and Burger King. I definitely want to taste and feel the real difference.


$ $
Revisit Factor

Grill Works

$ $
Revisit Factor

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